My name is Laura Fazzini, I come from a large Italian family. I have three siblings, an older sister and brother, and one younger sister. I love to play soccer and I play for the Shippensburg Women's Soccer team. I like to be active and spontaneous with my friends. I enjoy relaxing on the beach and wake boarding/waterskiing in the summer. In the winter I love to ski. I am majoring in the business field and am excited for the upcoming year!
Writing Experiences
My writing experience is not too interesting, it starts and ends in school. I find myself only writing papers in class, not outside of class. My personal experience with writing is I think it has potential to be fun and be a great way to express myself, but in high school I was too focused on filling out an outline and the writing felt forced and it did not seem to flow. I enjoy writing when it is about a topic that interests me. One of my weaknesses would be where and how to start a paper. The beginning is difficult for me, I never know how to start. That said, once I do begin then my pencil seems to go and not stop. In high school, I did very well in English class and I got good grades on papers. Another weakness is I tend to change tenses when writing. I will maybe start in past but halfway through switch to present tense. In this upcoming class I hope I can become a more confident writer and I hope that I will enjoy writing more.
New Goals
Three goals I would like to set and improve on would be summarizing, being able to learn more about the background information of an article, and staying focused and connecting with the article. I want to become better at summarizing because I tend to struggle picking out the most important information. Also I want to work on taking the time to learn more about the subject or topic I will be reading and learn more about the background knowledge. If I get into the habit or researching the topic before reading it so I can further my understanding. Finally, I want to try and work on staying focused. Often I lose focus and don't understand the reading. I really want to pay close attention and if I do happen to lose focus, then I need to work on going back and re-reading, this will help me learn more. To achieve these goals, I would like to read more and practice. In the end these will help me become a stronger and more confident reader. To create the right conditions I have to put myself in a good place, I need to attend class and continue reading/practicing these skills.
Critical Thinking Example
My critical thinking example was a picture of propaganda in commercials today. Many adds or commercials try to sway opinions and make fake realities. My image explained how Starbucks coffee makes you the best person you can be. Many adds use a similar technique where they make you believe that if you buy their product you will feel a certain way, like in the Starbucks add they made you believe that if you drink their coffee you have a higher chance of feeling more confident. But in reality, this is never the case. Therefore, it shows that as critical thinkers we need to dig deeper, analyze, and form our own opinions to find out the truth in many adds, commercials, etc. today.
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